Righteous Anger

Righteous Anger

Luke 19:45-46 (NKJV)

Then He went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it, saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house is a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.'”

A Lesson from Sunday School

    The concept of righteous anger became clear to me during my time in a youth Sunday School class at my local church. On one occasion, the teacher posed a question to the class regarding instances in Jesus’s life when He exhibited anger. Initially, I could not recall any such moment, so I nodded my head with a silent ‘no.’ My perspective as a naive teenager and a new Christian led me to believe that Jesus would never harbor anger toward anyone. I later realized that I was mistaken, as I had not adequately prepared for the Sunday School lesson that week.

    Our teacher, exhibiting kindness and compassion, did not draw attention to my silent response. Instead, she elaborated on a significant instance from the Bible when Jesus expressed anger. This occurred when He drove out the money changers from the temple courtyard. These individuals had converted God’s house of worship into a marketplace, prioritizing their own financial gain over reverence for His sacred synagogue. Furthermore, some merchants engaged in dishonest practices by cheating their customers. These acts disrupted the worship experience of those seeking to connect with God.

    Jesus’s response to this situation was one of extreme anger. He created a whip with cords which He used to overturn the tables and scatter all the money. Jesus then declared the truth and exposed their irreverence by stating, “My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” This statement underscores the importance of maintaining the sanctity of places of worship.

    The anger exhibited by Jesus in this scenario is a notable example of righteous anger. It invites contemplation on whether individuals have experienced anger in response to injustices associated with faith or have felt indignation at the mistreatment of others.

    In addressing one’s own righteous anger, it is crucial to consider the appropriate course of action. Individuals may wonder whether to take decisive action or seek divine guidance through prayer and education in order to respond constructively. Regardless of the feelings associated with righteous anger, it is imperative to approach these situations with an openness to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This guidance may involve direct action or contribute to behind-the-scenes support within one’s local church or community. Both avenues are vital, as they reflect the belief that every individual has a unique purpose assigned by God, underscoring His love and care for each person.

                                         Righteous Anger in Grief

    In 2020, a young woman from a neighboring town went missing following her afternoon jog. She had recently returned home from a family vacation and did not come home from her exercise. Her family urgently sought assistance in locating her, and many residents of the community collaborated with law enforcement in the search for any potential leads.  

    The family and friends of the missing woman worked diligently to raise awareness about her disappearance. They engaged with the police, local community members, and state authorities to gather any information regarding their beloved daughter. Given her reliable reputation and responsible behavior, her lack of communication, especially with family, raised significant concerns. Consequently, her family was in a state of distress, and the community remained vigilant.

    Regrettably, after four days of extensive searching, law enforcement discovered her body in a field. The news of her death devastated her family and left them in profound grief. The community became increasingly angry and outraged by the circumstances surrounding her tragic loss and her family viably sought justice. Anger is completely justified in this case. A life had been needlessly taken, depriving a young woman the opportunity to fulfill her purpose on earth. This incident reflects a deep sense of righteous indignation.

    Human beings were created in the image of God, as indicated in Genesis 1:26, and endowed with a range of emotions. It is essential to recognize how we manage and express these feelings. The horrifying loss of this young woman ignited strong emotional responses not just among her family and friends but across the entire community and adjacent towns. This response stems from the unjust loss of a person who possessed a vibrant life, a promising future, and a generous spirit.

    The decision to end her life was an egregious act of evil. This young woman was not only robbed of her future but was also deprived of her potential. There was a divinely ordained plan for her life, which was tragically extinguished. Her capacity to positively influence others through her service was significant. She could have married, raised children, and eventually had grandchildren. Unfortunately, that will not come to pass; her earthly existence has been irrevocably altered, and the pursuit of justice in this matter is unequivocally warranted.

    The Bible states in Genesis 9:6, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man” (NKJV). This passage underscores the gravity of circumstances such as this, providing a clear moral directive.

Righteous Anger for the Innocent

    There exist various forms of righteous anger within contemporary society. One notable example is the discontent surrounding abortion. The act of terminating a pregnancy solely because the child may become a burden or disrupt a woman’s lifestyle is deemed cruel and unacceptable. Consequently, the anger directed toward the millions of abortions performed annually is recognized as righteous and justified. 

    Another instance of righteous anger is when children are exposed to abuse or abused themselves. Such conduct is reprehensible and the pursuit of justice is essential. Expressing anger is also justified in this case. Protecting innocent children is forefront in our duty as adults.

    The range of abuse types is comprehensive and concerning. It is imperative to protect individuals who are unable to defend themselves from abusers and predators. The existence of malevolence and the prevalence of sin in the world are unfortunate realities. In light of these challenges, it is crucial that we actively safeguard the well-being of those within our families and communities.

    Regardless of the circumstances surrounding a particular event, we must manage our emotions appropriately. Commemorating the memory of an individual whose life has been unjustly taken is fundamentally different from engaging in violent protests, looting, or retaliatory behavior. While it is normal to experience anger in response to murder, the issues arise from the motivations and responses to that anger, which can lead to societal distortion.

    The biblical passage from Hebrews 10:30 reads, “For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The LORD will judge His people” (NKJV). This underscores the need for measured responses to injustices rather than reactive violence.

God’s Righteous Anger

    In the Old Testament, the Bible frequently references God’s displeasure with some of His people’s behavior. One of the principal sources of this displeasure is the practice of idolatry—worshiping idols rather than the one true God. God is characterized as a jealous God who will not permit anything or anyone to take precedence over Him. This is because He is the Creator of humanity and seeks our devotion, knowing that He alone can act in our best interest. His love for us is unconditional, establishing Him as our Father.

    Engaging in the worship of other entities or beings ultimately results in despair, depression, loneliness, anxiety, and other forms of harm. Idolatry undermines our peace, joy, happiness, and mental well-being. God’s righteous anger directed toward idolatry remains applicable in contemporary contexts. Human efforts to alter the universe that God has created, or to reverse the damage inflicted upon the earth, are inherently limited and will not yield complete restoration. The consequences of sin and poor decision-making can be severe, with some ramifications being irreversible. Therefore, it is crucial to approach any manipulation of God’s creation with caution, care, and deliberation.

Ezekiel 44:12 (NIV) – But because they served them in the presence of their idols and made the people of Israel fall into sin, therefore I have sworn with uplifted hand that they must bear the consequences of their sin, declares the Sovereign LORD.

Exodus 34:14 (BSB) – For you must not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

    I pray you are blessed today. It is essential that we align our feelings of anger with those spiritually of God, recognizing that His righteous anger serves a beneficial purpose. His jealousy for humanity arises from His profound love for us. Indeed, He possesses the unique right to be jealous because He is our Creator. Therefore, let us commit ourselves to living in service to Him.

Blessings and love,


Photo credit: https://us.toluna.com/opinions/3945229/Day-2-of-Holy-Week-Jesus-Clears-the-Temple

Day 2 of Holy Week: Jesus Clears the Temple, Toluna Influencers

Some words are capitalized (capitalization of the first letter) for honor and respect of God and Jesus Christ.

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